Machine Learning | ACA

Machine Learning

Join the machine learning course and gain fundamental knowledge in the fastest growing and most dynamic field of computer science. During the course we will study supervised learning, unsupervised learning, neural networks and recommendation engines. Course participants will receive scholarships from ACA and partner organizations.



5 months



Course Format



10 hours/week

Experienced Lecturers

Learn from industry experts!

Get practical knowledge from those who successfully work in the industry.

Well-structured curriculum

Our curriculum specialists work on providing a program with a clear path and necessary theoretical information.


Vahan Huroyan

Assistant Professor position at The Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Saint Louis University.


Nairi Hakobyan

Machine Learning Engineer @ Krisp


Ruben Hasratyan

Senior Machine Learning Engineer @ Krisp


Vahe Tshitoyan

Machine Learning @ Google ATAP

Land a Job!

Certificate is important but your portfolio is important-er :) Start working on your portfolio during your studies. Our educational program is designed to help you with that.

Students will have an opportunity to practice their interview skills that will bring them closer to their dream jobs! Also, referrals and recommendations will be available for top students.


Study Program

The quality of our courses is based on the structural organization of the lesson process: theoretical and practical lessons, homework, out-of-class communication with the lecturer.


During the lectures, students get theoretical knowledge, get acquainted with new technologies and working methodologies and discuss the materials.


During the seminars, the students implement the knowledge they received in the theoretical classes. The tutors provide individualized support to each student discussing the problems they encountered.


We are ready to provide comprehensive information about the courses, present their features and possible perspectives, and help you make a final decision. Throughout the admission and study process, the students will be in touch with the course coordinator.

Final Project

The theoretical and practical knowledge gained during the Profession courses is best reinforced in the last stage, where students are divided into teams and work on projects.


The students who successfully complete the 'specialized' courses, QA Fundamentals or Project Management course, are awarded certificates that are highly valued by Armenian IT companies.


The knowledge gained during the courses is enough to find an entry-level job. At the end of the 'Specialized' courses, the best students receive assistance in finding a job. It should also be noted that at this stage the final decision is made by the employer.

Get Custom Advice

Please fill out this short form, and our Support team will contact you to help you find out which course fits you best.




  • Introduction
  • Linear Regression
  • Cross-Validation


  • Logistic Regression
  • Soft and Hard Margin SVM
  • Evaluation Metrics


  • Trees
  • Random Forests
  • Ensemble methods

Unsupervised Clustering

  • Clustering; K-Means
  • Cluster evaluation methods
  • Gaussian Mixture Models

Unsupervised Learning

  • Density Estimation – Kernel Density Estimation
  • Binning and KD-Trees for KDE
  • Dimensionality Reduction: PCA, SVD

Neural Networks

  • Tensorflow
  • Optimizers, Backpropagation
  • Convolutional Neural Networks


  • Language Modelling
  • Recurrent Neural Networks
  • Attention, Transformers

Recommendation Engine

  • Collaborative Filtering
  • Matrix Factorization
  • Factorization Machines
Gevorg Aghekyan

Gevorg Aghekyan

Machine Learning Team Lead @ FinConstruct

Taking the ACA intermediate level ML course was an important milestone for advancing my skill set of ML Engineer and for developing my portfolio of capabilities. The experienced lecturers from leading companies worldwide did their best to share their expertise with students. The course gave insight into contemporary algorithms and techniques of many branches of ML, thus providing practical experience and quite detailed understanding of ML toolset.

Aram Sargsyan

Aram Sargsyan

AI/ML Scientist Podcastle

ACA is like a springboard in every career. In the beginning it squeezes when you get knowledge-skills, then it pushes you forward sharply when you get a job.

Ara Eroyan

Ara Eroyan

Machine Learning Engineer at Plat.AI

ACA's courses gave me the opportunity to develop a variety of professional knowledge such as advanced mathematics, statistics, programming, machine and deep learning. Furthermore, it allowed me to learn from leading experts in the field. In addition to theoretical knowledge, I strengthened and expanded my experience thanks to practical lessons and project-based work. Thanks to all this, I was able to immediately enter the job market and apply my newly acquired skills.




Is English required to participate in this course?

The lessons are conducted in Armenian, but the terminology, literature and other resources are mainly in English.

Can a beginner Machine Learning specialist participate in the course?

Of course, the course will give you an opportunity to deepen your knowledge in the field and apply it in practice.

Can I apply for a job after graduation:

Yes. This course will provide you with enough knowledge for taking a junior software engineer position.